A Trip to the Fabulous Martvili Canyon

A Trip to the Fabulous Martvili Canyon

Martvili is a city in Georgia, located in Samegrelo. Although Martvili is a small town, it  offers many interesting and beautiful places that will leave a lasting impression. Among these, the Martvili Canyon stands out. If you find yourself in Martvili, a visit to the canyon is a must. It is one of the most popular spots in Martvili, known for its history and beauty.

Why Should You Visit Martvili Canyon at Least Once?

Martvili Canyon is a great place to visit. The Dadiani family, a notable aristocratic family in Georgia, used to frequent this area for leisure. The canyon features a 700-meter walking trail that takes you deep into nature. Along the path, you will cross two natural bridges and a thirty-step staircase made of limestone boulders, adding to the trail's charm. Additionally, you can experience the canyon at night with the enchanting backdrop of 3D lights, making the trip even more unforgettable.

Boat Ride

You can enjoy a boat ride in the Martvili Canyon Georgia. Rubber boats and divers will greet you by the river. Each boat accommodates six people, and safety gear, including vests and helmets, is provided. For safety reasons, boating is prohibited in rain and snow due to rising water levels. The boat ride section spans 300 - 350 meters. Tourists can even participate in rowing the boat. A boat ride through the Canyon Martvili offers an indelible impression as you navigate between moss-covered rocks and encounter a small waterfall cascading from the rocks, creating a magical environment. Boat rides are available daily, weather permitting. Tours operate throughout the year, with the active season running from April to November.

This place is a must-see during your trip to Georgia. Various tours are available to visit this beautiful location. Tours from Tbilisi to Martvili Canyon can be found here, and from Kutaisi to Martvili Canyon here.

The easiest way to visit Martvili Canyon from Kutaisi is through popular one-day tours, which also allow you to explore other beautiful places in Samegrelo, such as Okatse Canyon, Kintskha Waterfall, and Prometheus Cave. This will help you discover Western Georgia and leave you with the best impressions. Tours make planning easier. Book your tickets online with Tripify .

Several restaurants in Martvili, such as Oda Family Marani and Sweet Village, will make your visit even more memorable. Here, you can taste delicious Megrelian dishes, which are very popular in Georgia and form a significant part of its culture. The unique flavors and traditional cooking methods provide an authentic culinary experience that should not be missed.

Other Places to Visit

After the tour, I recommend visiting Nokalakevi, where you will find the Nokalakevi Castle, a beautiful archaeological site dating back to the 4th - 6th centuries. There is also a museum in Nokalakevi, where you can learn about the most beautiful part of Georgia - Samegrelo. Along with Nokalakevi, a visit to the Dadiani Palace is highly recommended. As mentioned earlier, the Dadiani family used to vacation at Canyon Martvili, creating a shared history. The Dadiani family had a close relationship with Napoleon Bonaparte, and the palace houses many items related to France. The museum contains over 41,000 items. During your visit, don’t miss the botanical garden, created in the 19th century at the request of Princess Dadiani.

Martvili Monastery is another must-see during your trip. Founded in the 6th-7th centuries, the monastery preserves frescoes from the 14th, 16th, and 17th centuries. Giorgi Chkondideli, the educator and loyal ally of King David the Builder of Georgia, worked here.

For all these reasons and more, a visit to Martvili Canyon Georgia is a must. Samegrelo, where Martvili is located, is one of Georgia's outstanding regions, known for its nature, friendly people, hospitality, delicious cuisine, and interesting history. What makes Samegrelo even more special is the local Megrelian language, distinct from the Georgian language, which I think will also interest tourists.

For the many reasons stated above, I highly recommend traveling to Georgia. It is challenging to put into words the emotions and experiences you will undoubtedly feel while traveling through this amazing country. Whether you are an adventure seeker, a history enthusiast, or someone looking to immerse yourself in a new culture, Georgia has something unique to offer everyone. The combination of natural beauty, historical significance, and warm hospitality ensures a memorable and enriching travel experience.